For those interested in where Vagrond, Rob Kestler, Plandeux, and a few others came from, I uploaded some RPs (Role-Plays) from the Star Trek and eWrestling sims that Chaerb and myself played from the mid 90s to early 00s. See also History of the Vagrond Character.
Note that, even though I have chosen these carefully and censored some parts, these are still generally much more obnoxious in the usual way (think “South Park,” “Family Guy,” etc.) and less suitable for children than most Giant Space Lizard! content. Thus, proceed with caution.
RPs by Thompkins
Vagrond the Gorn in “Busy Day”
Day to day life for Vagrond in his earliest incarnation in a Star Trek sim.
Vagrond the Gorn in “Danger? Oh yes, I’m in it”
This one is more typical of the goofiness I engaged in towards the end of my time playing Star Trek sims.
“Vagrond. Doobie. Psychedelic? You bet.”
Missing the original “Doobie,” but still a representative example of the type of guest RP I would occasionally write for Chaerb.
RPs by Chaerb
This one features some of the classic interaction between Rob Kestler, Vagrond, and various 80s celebrities.
Selections from “Derp: The RP”
Rob Kestler and his new girlfriend Cassie Farmerer live in a dressing room and discuss politics for ill-defined reasons.
Rob Kestler’s arch-nemesis Plandeux captures him in an ingenious trap, and the first on-screen appearance of Soltres.