Colonial Squash Hastily Drawn Stream of Consciousness – The Wild Once – Page 25

Colonial Squash Hastily Drawn Stream of Consciousness - The Wild Once - Page 25

Title: The Ritual…

[[Colonial Squash is still sitting on the field, asleep. The sun has set and it now appears to be evening as the moon has risen. Colonial Squash wakes up as he smells something.]]

Sound effects: SNIFF SNIFF

[[Colonial Squash looks forward to see a path in the field is on fire. At the end of this path is a human-sized tiger salamander, wearing jet boots. With a blank stare on its face, the salamander is frantically eating the nightcrawlers that Colonial Squash had dumped into the mud earlier.]]

Sound effects: MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH

[[Colonial Squash gets up and motions to the salamander.]]

Colonial Squash: Speedymander, post haste! There are lives in peril!

Sound effects: MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH

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