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First time here?

Angry woman looking at iPad.  You remember those, right?  You see, there was this company called Apple, yes that was their actual name...

You: I’m a busy sentient. What can I read quickly?

Us: If you can handle the ten pages that make up the comic Archbishop Triceratops, then you are definitely the kind of reader we want! Or, if that’s just too many pages, the comic When Will The Questions Stop?!? is only 5 pages!


You: I’m just getting on a plane or something lame like that. What can I read that will last a while?

Us: How about the eBook Giant Space Lizard! Volume 1? It’s got a bunch of text to read and pictures too!


You: Actually I was looking for something long, but in comic form.

Us: Picky, picky. How about Jim Wagner in Planetoid of the Simians? It’s currently the longest story with sequential pictures that portray the action on every page.

Angry man looking at computer.  There is a very minor HomeStar Runner reference hidden in this image.

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