[[Outside the space jalopy, Vagrond holds one of the protesters by their throat. Bryan Orion tries to get his attention from inside the spaceship. Vagrond sticks his head inside the spaceship to see what Bryan was asking about.]]
Vagrond: Yeah?
Bryan Orion: I Just heard from Mr. Vorpgrind. He wants you to tear the outer shell off where these squatters are living.
Vagrond: Won’t that kill all of them?
Bryan Orion: Vorpgrind doesn’t seem to think it will de-pressurize them. Go for it.
[[Vagrond starts to go back outside.]]
Vagrond: All right, but no whining if you have to fit ten asphyx-ing humans in here.
Bryan Orion: Rest assured there will be whining.


Copyright 2008-2024 Garth Thompson & Chad Wagner